The classic marketing funnel is not enough in professional services
We think many hours are wasted in endless meetings talking about theoretical strategies that never get deployed in the real world. So, we offer our clients three things as part of what we do.
The first is a workshop to define what you do, why you do it, how you do it, what you focus on and where you want to get to. The result is a clearly defined articulation of your organising thought. Hopefully, that thing that your business will hang its hat on for years.
In our experience, that organising thought will always be born out of one of the following areas of a client’s business; your products or services, what you know about your customers, your company’s overall ambition or its culture. We then apply a straightforward test to that organising thought. Does it pass what we call our Truth, Meaning and Promise test? So many organisations fail at least one of these.
And finally, we know that the classic marketing funnel is not enough in professional services. In understanding how your clients buy, we focus on the seven stages of any client’s decision-making journey, ensuring that marketing plays its part in amplifying each one. What are those seven stages? In the simplest terms, they are.
- Have I heard of you?
- Do I know what you do?
- Am I clear that what you promise will help me?
- Are you credible enough for me to respect you?
- Do I know that you have my best interests at heart?
- Can I can corral support from the business to hire you?
- I am ready to buy.
Each of these seven stages is critical, and it’s our job to help you build a strategy and plan to make sure we focus on each of these seven areas.
We do this by:
- Auditing your current marketing activities
- Reviewing your data and tech infrastructure
- Carrying out stakeholder interviews
- Analysing your market, competitors and customers
- Reviewing and refining (if needed) your Ideal Client Profile (ICP)