What does the phrase ‘marketing metrics’ mean to you? To many people, marketing metrics are about how many followers you have, how many times your marketing emails are opened, and how much traffic you get to your website. But how important are these metrics to your leadership team? While they are important aspects to your overall marketing campaign, and absolutely important to you the top dogs in your business care about more than how many visitors go to your site, or how many likes you get on a post. Read on to find out what marketing metrics your leadership team cares about most.
Revenue creation – ROMI
Your leaders will want to know the positive effect your marketing investments and campaigns are having on sales productivity – both in terms of pipeline and closed revenue. In short, they will want to know what they are investing and what they are getting out in revenue numbers. Make sure you share success stories and be able to share your ROMI (Return on your marketing investment) percentage. This is a simple equation, just calculate how much you are spending and what you have been getting in, in terms of revenue and the percentage difference between the two is your ROMI number.
The Cost – Customer acquisition
Your leadership team will also want to know how much marketing is costing the business. Aside from the overall marketing budget, your leadership team will want to know the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) which is calculated by dividing the total sales and marketing cost by the number of new customers you’ve brought in. For example, if your total sales and marketing cost (including all marketing activities, staff salaries, commissions and overheads) comes to £100,000 for a month, and you get 100 new customers, your CAC will be £1000. The ideal is to show you are bringing this number down by reducing spend yet increasing customers.
Marketing Originated Customer Percentage
It’s not always easy to assess how many clients you get as a direct result of marketing. If possible, allow clients an option to say how they heard about the company, and include several options for different forms of marketing. Google analytics is also a great source of finding attribution. Once you have the information simply divide the number of customers you secured as marketing leads for a given period by the total number of customers for the same period. This will create the marketing originated customer percentage, which you can use to show your leadership team how effective your campaigns have been.
Marketing Influenced Customers
Ideally, all customers would originate from your marketing efforts however that’s not going to be the case. But, some of the non-marketing originated customers may have been influenced by your marketing activities. They may have been invited to an event or a webinar or sent a report to download from one of your sales team or consultants. Activities which might not have generated the original lead but can still have played a role in closing a sale. To calculate this number, determine how many leads in a given time period interacted with your marketing efforts at some point and then divide this number by the total number of converted leads, you’ll then have the percentage of marketing influenced customers.
It’s then important to provide context around your numbers. Highlight some of the names of the customers, especially if they are tier 1 target organisations your firm has been targeting. Share stories. Show your value.
Got questions about your marketing ROI? Need some assistance? We’re here to help. Click here to contact us.